2023 UK Summer Trip

2023 UK Summer Trip

Cambridge UK Summer Trip 2023

We are highly encouraged by the level of interest shown by Parents towards ensuring that their children partake in our Summer Trip this year.

As requested by Parents, some of the benefits of the trip are highlighted below,

1. Certificate of Participation from a renowned UK Institution.

2. Lifelong Memories and Learning Experience for the participants.

3. Opportunity to experience a completely different style of learning.

4. International Travel Experience, Exposure and Expanded World view 

5. Increased Confidence and Motivation towards learning for participating students.

6. Improved Critical Thinking Skills

7. And many more . . .

Please contact the School's Secretary (Mrs. Precious) to enroll your child/ren if you are yet to do so.

For Parents who have indicated interest, please note that a deposit of 
£250 is required to reserve your space with the organizers on or before Friday 27th January. Kindly pick up the registration form and submit by Monday 30th January 2023.

The 2 weeks Summer Trip is expected to take place in July/August 2023.

Thank you for choosing Cambridge International School
  • Start Date
    09 January 2023
  • End Date
    01 August 2023
  • Venue
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